We give to God because we acknowledge that everything we have and everything we are belongs to God as we have received it all from God. He gives us talents and resources on earth to manage it efficiently here on earth and asks us for only a portion of that. By us doing so, we acknowledge that He is our provider of everything that we need and that we trust Him that He will not ever leave us, nor forsake us.
There are four types of giving seen in the bible which are as follows:
Tithing, Offering, Alms and Sowing of Seeds
Malachi 3:10-12
Psalm 4:5
Proverbs 19:17
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
You can do an EFT, use Zapper or give on a Sunday through the tithe & offering boxes. When doing an online transfer, please use the respective reference (e.g. tithe, offering, missions etc.)
City Gate Community Church NPC
Bank: FNB
Account No: 62815126091
Branch No: 250655
Account type: Current/Cheque account
You can scan the code here